How to Create a Comfortable Home

How to Create a Comfortable Home


Your personal environment impacts your mental health and having a home that provides comfort is vital to self-care. I've learned and relearned this lesson while dealing with change, stress and grief throughout my life. 

After decorating, organizing, moving, and cleaning out multiple homes for family members and myself, I've also worked with clients to create custom macramé decor that complements a room. Clients vary from knowing what they want to seeking direction in decorating their space. I enjoy seeing where everyone is on their decorating journey, and it gives me a chance to tap into my creativity.  

Whether you're new to home styling or you're redecorating, keep in mind the following ways to make your home more comfortable:

  1. Style
  2. Layout
  3. Lighting
  4. Air Quality
  5. Other Sensory Elements

When taking care of your home, do you think about textures, negative ions, or the experience of your guests? Read on for some insightful suggestions!

 gray and white macrame wall hanging

Select a Theme…

What vibe do you want a room to convey? Light and breezy, modern and sophisticated, artful and eclectic?

An easy way to figure out your style preferences for interior decorating is by browsing online photos and taking interior design quizzes. Use visual references for inspiration. 

…and a Color Scheme

For decorating, pick a combination of neutrals and/or colors that you enjoy or work with a statement piece that inspires the rest of your décor. An easy way to start is by selecting one or two neutrals—like gray and white—and one or two colors you find appealing.

Pay attention to what combinations of colors and neutrals appeal to you and consider color symbolism for each room. Focusing on one or two tones of wood and metallic finishes also provides cohesion.  

Play with the Layout

empty room

Consider the blank space around the text you're reading in this blog. That space may appear meaningless, but it helps your mind focus on reading.

White space, also known as negative, blank, or empty space, is the area around design elements. Decorating is like creating art, and the white space is just as important as the furniture and decor. Think of a room as a canvas for creating walkways, sitting areas, and eye-catching setups.  

The goal is to balance the white space with everything else. Too little white space will look cluttered and chaotic. Too much white space will feel cold and unwelcoming. 

Placement is key. Determine the focal point of a room. Is there a piece of furniture or décor you'd like to showcase?  

Furniture placement should provide walking areas that feel natural throughout a home. That's how you get right the flow of energy, the right amount of movement.

Light Up the Room 

Ambient Lighting

Like music, lighting sets the mood.  Lighting can enhance or restrict a feeling of comfort, so don't rely only on bright, overhead lighting. Each room should provide more than one option for lighting, day or night.   

In the daytime, utilize natural lighting as much as possible. Natural light reduces eye strain while helping your body's circadian rhythm and Vitamin D absorption. Use blinds and curtains to adjust lighting levels as needed.

Bright artificial ceiling lights can be too much at times. Try out dimmer switches, box lamps, candles, fireplaces, salt lamps, and decorative mini lights for ambient lighting.

Clean the Air

Indoor air pollution is caused by various factors, including dust, smoke, moisture, chemicals, dirt, carbon monoxide, and radon. While regular dusting, vacuuming, and changing air filters are a given, consider other measures. Circulate air to keep it fresh, open windows when outdoor air quality and temperature are agreeable, and limit wearing outdoor shoes inside.  


Negative Ions Rock

When air molecules break apart from moving water or are charged with electricity in another way, negative ions are produced. Their charge is what creates fresh air. Negative ions are abundant in outdoor areas like forests, waterfalls, mountains, and beaches. 

Negative ions are considered a health booster, but they're easier to find in nature than manmade buildings. The solution? Aside from spending time in nature, bring the outdoor air inside whenever possible.  

Open up windows after a thunderstorm and circulate the air with fans. Thunder and lightning generate these ions. If there are no natural water formations close to where you live, try an indoor water fountain.  

Green Up

There are varying opinions on how much house plants contribute to indoor air quality, but studies have shown plants also boost our mood. This is likely due to the negative ions they produce and the visual appeal of natural greenery. 

For those of us with little plant care knowledge, phone apps have made plant ownership much easier now, even diagnosing a plant's health through photo uploads. 

Create a Sensory Experience

Eucalyptus hanging in a shower

Keep in mind scents, textures, and sounds when completing the style of your home:


Circulate air to keep stagnant air and old home smells at bay.

Floral and herbal scents, aromatherapy diffusers, candles, incense, and wax melters are great ways to add alluring scents. 

When using aromatherapy oils, some quick research will provide the mood benefits of each scent. I often have a bouquet of dried lavender in my living room and a bundle of fresh eucalyptus hanging in the shower for subtle aromas. Since I'm prone to insomnia, I avoid energizing scents like cinnamon in the bedroom. 

Keep in mind what fragrances you're using and the strength of each one. Some people are more sensitive to smells than others, and some scents can trigger allergies. Artificial fragrances also aren't regulated well, and their ingredients can be a mystery. 



home textures and plants

Comfort is not complete without the right textures at home. Variety is essential, so include a combination of soft and rough fabrics. Lounge furniture, throw pillows, blankets, bedding, and fiber art decor like macramé provide a cozy atmosphere.  

Rougher textures create visual interest. Try out baskets for organizing items, woven rugs, floor mats, and other decors with natural elements like wood and bamboo. 


People have varying levels of tolerance to noise. Highly Sensitive Personalities like myself are more affected by ticking clocks, buzzing electronics, tv commercials, and noisy air ventilation systems. 

On the other hand, water fountain sounds and nighttime white noise like fans can be soothing. At home, I also open windows whenever the temperature is agreeable to enjoy outdoor sounds like wind rustling in the trees, chirping birds, and soft rainfall.  

Other Considerations

When creating a comfortable home, keep pets and guests in mind:


happy cats

I love my pets, but they can quickly dirty up my home! They're worth it, though. 

It's not always easy, but keep up with petcare maintenance as consistently as possible. Regular grooming reduces pet hair and dander in the home. Clean surfaces and furniture as often as needed, and stay on top of pet odors like litter boxes, cages, and food. H.E.P.A. filters and air purifiers can help reduce potential allergies. Air filters and purifiers are beneficial to pets as well.

Like many other pet owners, I also take time to ensure my pets are comfortable both indoors and outdoors. This includes providng:

  • comfortable resting spaces
  • constant access to fresh water
  • shade and shelter in the backyard
  • good floor traction (I usually lay down extra rugs in walking spaces for dogs--especially older ones) 


Homes should also welcome guests, so try to think of your home from the perspective of loved ones. Give guests some personal space from dogs or lap cats unless they seek out the affection. 

Guest bedrooms are often neglected in terms of comfort and overstuffed with possessions. To create an inviting space, utilize window blinds, curtains, and a lamp in a guest sleeping area. White noise or a fan may be needed for sleeping. Guests also need space for their travel belongings in drawers, closets, or on top of flat furniture surfaces. In bathrooms, provide guests with clean hand and bath towels.  

Finding Sanctuary in a Home

Use these tips to create a comfortable home for the times when you'll need it most. Whether it's been a hard day, alone in your grief, or dealing with other mental health issues, your home can provide some comfort. I speak from experience.

One of the many things I miss about my mom is her sense of style. She always knew how to decorate and make a house feel like a home. I would regularly retreat to my mom's place as an adult to relax. 

My mom has been gone for a few years, and I've had to work hard to elevate that sense of comfort in my own home. My home is filled with family heirlooms and furniture, which I use to connect with their memories. I can't replace the fact that several family members are gone, along with their homes, but I can make the most of it to improve my own home. 

Home-care is self-care. How do you want to make your home more comfortable? 

backyard patio


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